
So, yeah, 300...
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Author:  Sir Eric [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

I'll let others speak first so as not to bias the opinions. Or I guess to spoil it since you may not have seen it yet.


Author:  Sir Dallas [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

I enjoyed it. It took me a minute to get over some of the visual exaggerations (hey it’s Fank Miller’s interpretation) for artistic effect, but other than a few romantic, poetic subplots added, pretty accurate to my knowledge of the historical event. Most importantly, the spirit of the battle of Thermopylae was most certainly wholly in tact.

Over all pretty sweet. Got me pumped.

Author:  Sir Jason [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

I am in agreeance with Sir Dallas...we loved the movie. I enjoyed it very much!!!! I loved the dialogue, and...the over all BAD ASS feel of the Spartans.
We all wished that we could have watched it the day before Tournament...that would have gotten us all pumped for the day!!!
Sir Eric...that guy could really be your stunt double, no doubt.

Author:  jesset [ Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

I wanted to see that giant fat guy fight some doods. I liked it overall. That portable ziggurat was just awesome.

Author:  Sir Dallas [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

After my second viewing. Well worth the extra buck for IMAX, I have to say they did way overdo it on all the freedom talk. The Spartans themselves were way out numbered by their surfs. Forced labor was the core of their agricultural system. Still a very enjoyable movie for me, but every time I see it I have another nit to pic. I have to resist the urge to let small details overshadow on overall excellent effort to tell the story in a new way.

Author:  Sir Eric [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

I was satisfied with the movie.

Judging by the trailer, I expected it to be better. There were some completely badass-awesome moments and some great lines of dialogue, but I found the movie to be rather anti-climactic.

Going into the theatre I already knew that the Spartans were going to kick the Persians' asses in the beginning and then all die at the end. I expected there to be some point in the movie where the director tried to make me doubt either of those "facts," but the movie progressed just the way I had expected: Spartans kill, Spartans kill, Spartans kill, Spartans Die. Except for the incident with the queen and that goddamned councilman. As honorable as the men are, I figured it would have carried over to their women.

I bought and read the graphic novel this week and must say I think they did an excellent job staying true to the book. The graphics were great, the colors were great, and I think the film style echoed the art style of the book rather well. I think some deviation from the script would have made for a better film though.

We're going to see it again this weekend. That's really saying something, because I rarely ever see movies more than once in theatres. While I'm certain I'll find more nits, I'll hopefully find some subtleties that I missed the first time around.

Author:  Sir Jason [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

You both are right...there are always things that we can find to nit pick, but...for the most part...this movie was just enjoyable. Much better than most that have come out lately. I agree with you, Sir Eric...on the situation with the councilman. I think Gorgo had reserved the fact that her husband wasn't coming back, and...quite possibly, thought that she was powerless to all around her. Leonidas did tell her to marry a good man and bare strong children...just as she told him, Come back with your sheild, or on it.

Author:  Sir Eric [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

Leonidas did tell her to marry a good man and bare strong children

Had he said that in the movie? When I read it in the comic, I didn't remember him saying it in the movie...

One thing (of many) I thought was great was that even their King had to go through the rights of passage. No pansy-assing around in a warm, cushy palace - he had to prove himself like any other Spartan man.

One thing that they didn't seem to emphasize in the movie was the idea that Leonidas' men were like his children. He calls them that several times in the book, but I think he only does it once in the movie. He is their King and their Father and likely a God to them; a man they all love and admire and are honor-bound to serve. I think it's an interesting contrast to Xerxes who is portrayed as a self appointed God-King who rules through fear and uses people's greed to gain their loyalty.

And just to reinforce, I wasn't saying that it's not a good movie, just that I had very high expectations for it that I didn't feel were met. I am going to see it again though. That'll make it one of 3 movies I felt were good enough to watch multiple times in theatres.

Author:  Sir Dallas [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

Yeah, if iI remember correctly, this is the only movie I've gone to see twice.

Just found this. Havn't really looked at it yrt though. Thought I'd pass it along.


Author:  Sir Dallas [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  So, yeah, 300...

Well I figured someone was bound to do this, so I'll go ahead and get it out of the way.


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